Marathon   x
Levels in Marathon
# Level Time
1 Arrival 00:00:23
2 Bigger Guns Nearby 00:00:43
3 Never Burn Money 00:00:49
4 Defend THIS! 00:01:19
5 Couch Fishing 00:00:36
6 The Rose 00:01:36
7 Smells Like Napalm, Tastes Like Chicken! 00:00:32
8 Cool Fusion 00:00:24
9 G4 Sunbathing 00:00:51
10 Blaspheme Quarantine 00:00:35
11 Bob-B-Q 00:00:19
12 Shake Before Using… 00:00:44
13 Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! 00:00:20
14 Colony Ship For Sale, Cheap 00:01:12
15 Habe Quiddam 00:00:43
16 Neither High nor Low 00:00:28
17 Pfhor Your Eyes Only… 00:00:41
18 No Artificial Colors 00:01:04
19 Unpfhorgiven 00:00:51
20 Two Times Two Equals… 00:00:38
21 Beware of Low-Flying Defense Drones… 00:00:16
22 Eupfhoria 00:00:36
23 Pfhoraphobia 00:01:10
24 Ain’t Got Time Pfhor This… 00:00:35
25 Welcome to the Revolution… 00:00:49
26 Try again 00:01:50
27 Ingue Ferroque 00:00:03