Solo / Co-op: Kills - Marathon Infinity
Rank Player Kills Plays
1 Sharkie Lino 7804 124
2 Lisolet 3600 169
3 OtterCynical 2058 213
4 Scrandina "scran" 887 107
5 aperturegrillz 744 130
6 baconicsynergy 148 19
7 The Orange Bomb "Orange Bomb" 45 14
8 NicksonBlack 31 5
9 gumdrop9 "__9__" 21 1
10 burial_14 "burial" 12 9
11 ludicrous48 "Blakath" 8 2
12 sinthacis 5 8
13 Bombastic 5 5
14 PHSM 4 3
15 Asdkzx 0 5
16 Madd the Sane 0 2
17 Spruce 0 2
18 DaSomething162 0 2
19 CraiGTanGent96 0 1
20 TerratheLunatic "Terra, the Lunatic" 0 1